Today I made a trip to Pell City to see the school and how much it has changed since my last visit which was three weeks ago. All I can say is WOW! They have done a ton of work in the last three weeks and things are looking GREAT! I wanted to share a few pictures with you so you too can see how things are rapidly changing! These were taken with my cell phone so the quality is not the best, but once I get the ones from my camera uploaded I will post a link to the album! Enjoy!
The front classrooms/ front of school view
The new and improved front entrance! Notice the nice columns!
These gentlemen were bricking what used to be "my office window"
in the old gym which is now the new media center
The new, secure, front entrance into the office.
Once inside the front door (far door in this picture) you will go into the door
on the right(with the window beside it) to get to Ms.Lisa
So glad that our children will now be more secure!
The improved lunchroom!
This picture doesn't do it justice but there is new tile down!
A look into the new media center.
The windows you see will be Ms. Mitchell's office.
What used to be the stage is now the Iola Live tv room (to the right)
and there will be wheelchair access as well.
These are the parts for the wheelchair access!
A picture of the boiler room with the new breaker box.
Upstairs hallway
Inside an upstairs classroom.
Downstairs hallway. (Sorry it is blurry!)
The exterior of the new classrooms/ 4th grade wing :)
Inside a brand new classroom!
Such a small detail but I love it! I'm not sure if you can see it or not but in the center
of the bathrooms there is black and gold tile alternating. I love it! Go PC!
Inside the new gym!
Yes, my friends this is what you think it is :)
Air for the new gym!
~This is where Coach Green does a happy dance :)
The front exterior of the gym. In the next week or so it should read
Iola Roberts Elementary School (or something similar!)
Exterior of the gym. I think it is stunning!
A view of the existing building(left) and new (right)
The sidewalk was poured today connecting the two buildings!
The canopy should go up soon so the kids won't get wet going to PE/music on rainy days :)
The view of the school from the playground
The trees were trimmed back and it looks much better!
Now the kids will have an easier time running :)
I hope you enjoyed these pictures, though they are not the best quality. Be looking for an update and link to the good ones which will be added into the slideshow I linked in the last post!